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Craven District of Sanctuary


1. Name

The name of the organisation shall be: Craven District of Sanctuary

2. Description

Craven District of Sanctuary is an alliance of individuals, organisations and refugee support groups, who work to support and welcome people seeking sanctuary (refugees and asylum seekers) within the Craven District.

3. Aims

The aims of the organisation shall be:

a) To promote the inclusion and welfare of people seeking sanctuary (refugees and asylum-seekers), and to encourage North Yorkshire Council to make a public commitment to becoming a place of welcome and safety by adopting the title of ‘A Local Authority of Sanctuary’.

b) To encourage and support local communities and voluntary, community, business and faith organisations in welcoming and assisting people seeking sanctuary.

c) To publicise and celebrate the contribution of refugees to their local communities and to UK society and culture, and to challenge hostility and discrimination against them.

d) To work as an alliance with other groups and individuals in order to further, publicise and celebrate these aims.

4. Powers

In order to achieve its aims the organisation may:

a) Work closely with and strive to involve people seeking sanctuary in Craven

b) Work as an alliance with other similar organisations and exchange information and advice with them

c) Publicise and promote the core principles and to work towards achieving formal support for the core principles of the City of Sanctuary movement from a broad and diverse range of local organisations, businesses, voluntary, faith and community groups

d) To work towards formal endorsement of these core principles by North Yorkshire Council as a Local Authority of Sanctuary

e) Organise courses, meetings and other events

f) Engage in fund-raising activities and open a bank account

g) Recruit and support volunteers and do all such other lawful things as are necessary to further the objects of the organisation.

5. Membership

a) Membership of the organisation is open to any individual without regards to sanctuary status, disability, political or religious affiliation, race, sex or sexual orientation who is interested in helping the organisation to achieve its aims.

b) Members are anyone in the Craven area who requests to be on the group email distribution list which is kept by the Co-ordinator.  If a member decides to withdraw from receiving emails, their membership ceases.

c) The membership of any member may be terminated for good reason by the organisation, provided that the member concerned shall have the right to be heard by the organisation, accompanied by a friend, before a final decision is made.

6. Management

a) The organisation shall be administered by a Core Group. This Core Group will oversee the day to day running of the organisation and will consist of not less than

three and not more than ten individuals elected by the membership at the

organisation’s Annual General Meeting (AGM).

b) The Officers of the Core Group shall be: the Chair, Treasurer and Co-ordinator.

c)The Core Group will include representatives from Craven area refugee support groups

d) The Core Group shall meet at least six times a year.

e) At least three Core Group members must be present for a meeting to take place.

f) The Core Group may set up sub-committees and working groups from time to time, establishing their terms of reference and any delegated responsibilities as appropriate.

g) The Core Group may co-opt onto the Group individuals that it feels will help to fulfil the aims of the Group.

h) The co-ordinator of Core Group will keep notes of the meetings and of any sub-committees

i) Voting at Core Group meetings shall be by a show of hands. If there is a tied vote then the Chair shall have a second vote.

7. Dissolution

The organisation may be dissolved at any time by means of a resolution agreed by a two thirds majority of those present and voting at any Annual General Meeting or special meeting called for that purpose. The organisation’s assets will be distributed as voted upon at that meeting, following the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities, to another voluntary organisation with similar objects.

Date agreed:


Chris Rose (Chair)

Agreed 3 September, 2024