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Art display by Glusburn primary school

An art display of work done by children on the #RefugeeWeek24 theme of ‘Our Home’ is currently on display in Glusburn Institute Community and Arts Centre.

One of the entries has been short-listed by the competition organisers, the Sanctuary Foundation. The award ceremony is in London at the British library. Huge congratulations to all the entrants, the teachers and Glusburn school.

This is the poem, written by Charlie Butcher, age 10, which won a Highly Commended award from the Sanctuary Foundation

Imagine your world turned upside down,

Where there was once smiles and laughter, now only frowns.

Where you once lived happily with family and friends.

Where you now live in fear, hoping fighting soon ends.

Imagine your world turned upside down,

where food once abundant cannot be found.

Where you once filled your stomach, with veggies and cake.

Where you now go hungry, you can’t stay awake.

Imagine your world turned upside down,

are you dead or alive, no food and you’re still only five.

Rockets and bullets rain down from the sky.

The world turns its back as each day goes by.

Short piece in the Craven Herald here

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