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Display at Skipton Town Hall June 2023

To raise awareness during Refugee Week

You have five minutes to pack before you have to flee from your home…What would you grab as the minutes tick by…Family photo? Child’s favourite toy? Purse? Passport? Water? Food? Will all these fit into a rucksack?

The items on display are some suggestions. What would you choose?

Rubble  …home…reduced to rubble. Photographs – Forced migration splits families and communities apart. Passport – For those fleeing persecution retaining one’s identity is crucial. Food -(biscuits and tin of sardines a random selection from the kitchen cupboard) There will be no certainty of the next meal…Teddy bear – Comfort in a terrifying and unfamiliar situation. Water – safe drinking water. Purse – Enough funds to pay for the boat…Rucksack- Will it hold all you need?

What about a phone to keep in touch and find out what’s going on? And medications……a toothbrush?